Amazon EC2 Windows VM

Available Metrics

Possible metric types that can be tracked on a given resource.

Metric Type Data Type Description
Allows for aggregating existing metrics over a period of time. Useful for running sums or averages; also for extracting single data item from collection-based metrics
Tracks Amazon CloudWatch metrics using latest AWS API - more info is here.
Allows for deriving new metrics from existing ones. Useful for combining existing metrics together or for multiplying metrics by a factor
Tracks an http result from testing of internal IP address. Possible values are http verbs: OK, Unauthorized, etc.
Tracks response time of http request to internal IP address
Host String
Down Boolean
ResponseTime Double
StatusCode Int32
ErrorMessage String
Timestamp String
Tracks results of http request to internal IP address
Allows for tracking of metrics from other resources. Useful when it is important to evaluate metrics from different resources side-by-side
Tracks overall status of the resource. This is an important metric as it is used to drive Uptime reports. Possible values: Ready, Down, Unknown and in some cases Stopped
Tracks the number of minutes since a particular Windows scheduled task has last executed.
Tracks the last status of a particular Windows scheduled task. Status of 0 indicates a successful run.
UniqueId Guid
EventId Int64
MachineName String
Message String
Source String
UserName String
EntryType String
Timestamp DateTime
Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log.
UniqueId Guid
EventId Int64
MachineName String
Message String
Source String
UserName String
EntryType String
Timestamp DateTime
Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log.
Tracks performance counters defined as individual metrics. Any performance counter might be tracked.
Server String
Instance String
Value Double
Tracks multi-instance performance counters. It returns an array of PerformanceCounterInstance objects for each counter instance.
UniqueId Guid
Name String
IsResponding Boolean
MemorySize Double
Cpu Double
Tracks a list of currently running processes.
Tracks the last known status of a particular Windows service.
Title String
Url String
Mandatory Boolean
Priority String
Date DateTime
Tracks available Windows Driver Updates. Used for ensuring all important updates are installed regularly.
Title String
Url String
Mandatory Boolean
Priority String
Date DateTime
Tracks available Windows Updates. Used for ensuring all important updates are installed regularly.

Available Commands

Possible commands that can be executed on a given resource. Ultimate subscription is required.

Command Type Description
PowershellReboot Reboots instance using Powershell script
PowershellRestartService Restarts specified Windows Service using Powershell script
WebRequest Runs custom WebRequest to specified URL

Default Templates

CloudMonix provided default monitoring templates.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
DraInboundBytes WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of bytes (per second) received through replication. It is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression).
DraOutboundBytes WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of bytes sent per second. It is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression).
DsThreadsInUse WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the current number of threads in use by the directory service (different from the number of threads in the directory service process). This counter represents the number of threads currently servicing API calls by clients, and you can use it to determine whether additional CPUs would be beneficial.
LdapClientSessions WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of sessions of connected LDAP clients.
LdapSearches WindowsPerformanceCounter
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
NetworkTotalBytes WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters.
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
AspNetApplicationRestarts WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times that an application has been restarted during the Web server's lifetime. Application restarts are incremented each time an Application_OnEnd event is raised. An application restart can occur because of changes to the Web.config file, changes to assemblies stored in the application's Bin directory, or when an application must be recompiled due to numerous changes in ASP.NET Web pages. Unexpected increases in this counter can mean that problems are causing Web application to recycle.
AspNetErrors WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average number of errors that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes any parser, compilation, or run-time errors.
AspNetRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests executed per second. This represents the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (such as garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so on).
AspNetRequestsQueued WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests waiting for service from the queue. When this number starts to increment linearly with increased client load, the Web server computer has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process.
AspNetRequestsRejected WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of requests not executed because of insufficient server resources to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, indicating that the server is too busy
AspNetRequestWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing.
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
CurrentConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active connections with the Web Service. Like with the other web service counters, if the value of this counter is usually too big for the server (the actual number depends on the specific hardware and software installed), then load balancing solutions can be implemented.
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
DynamicsAxClientRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of client-to-server requests since the AOS instance started.
DynamicsAxClientRequestsPerSecond WindowsPerformanceCounter
DynamicsAxServerBytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of bytes received by the Application Object Server (AOS) instance since it started.
DynamicsAxServerBytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of bytes sent by the AOS instance since it started.
DynamicsAxServerRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of server-to-client requests processed since the AOS instance started.
DynamicsAxSessionsActive WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of currently active server sessions.
DynamicsAxSessionsTotal WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of active sessions since the AOS instance started.
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter
WebBytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been received by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.
WebBytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been sent by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Requests are Queueing Up AspNetRequestsQueued > 10 Warning Raises an alert when the number of queued requests exceeds 10, for 5 minutes sustained. Queued requests indicate that IIS or backened processes are not able to process the requests quickly enough
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
AspNetApplicationRestarts WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times that an application has been restarted during the Web server's lifetime. Application restarts are incremented each time an Application_OnEnd event is raised. An application restart can occur because of changes to the Web.config file, changes to assemblies stored in the application's Bin directory, or when an application must be recompiled due to numerous changes in ASP.NET Web pages. Unexpected increases in this counter can mean that problems are causing Web application to recycle.
AspNetErrors WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average number of errors that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes any parser, compilation, or run-time errors.
AspNetRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests executed per second. This represents the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (such as garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so on).
AspNetRequestsQueued WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests waiting for service from the queue. When this number starts to increment linearly with increased client load, the Web server computer has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process.
AspNetRequestsRejected WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of requests not executed because of insufficient server resources to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, indicating that the server is too busy
AspNetRequestWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing.
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
CurrentConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active connections with the Web Service. Like with the other web service counters, if the value of this counter is usually too big for the server (the actual number depends on the specific hardware and software installed), then load balancing solutions can be implemented.
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
DynamicsCRMCacheFlushRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of successful Locator Service cache flush requests that have been received. A high count may indicate that the caching algorithm is not optimized, or that the data is changing too frequently.
DynamicsCrmConfigDbAuthenticationFailures WindowsPerformanceCounter Trackss the number of unsuccessful authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Active Directory authentication credentials. This counter measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration.
DynamicsCrmCpuUsage WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total CPU percentage used by all Sandbox Worker processes.
DynamicsCrmDiscoveryServiceRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of requests received by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Discovery service. This includes successful and unsuccessful requests. This counter can be used to track traffic patterns for Discovery service capacity planning.
DynamicsCrmMemoryUsage WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total memory used by all Sandbox Worker processes, in MBytes.
DynamicsCrmOutlookSyncRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of ABP Sync Requests and the Offline Sync Requests. This counter is useful to indicate the client load on the Asynchronous Processing Service. A high count indicates a high client load on that service.
DynamicsCrmPassportAuthenticationFailures WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of failed authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Microsoft account authentication credentials. This counter measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. This counter applies to pn_crm_online only. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration.
DynamicsCrmPostAuthenticationFailures WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of unsuccessful authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Microsoft Dynamics CRM authentication credentials. This counter measures the entire deployment including all organizations. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration.
DynamicsCrmRouterRequestFaulted WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests made on the faulted channel to the router.
DynamicsCrmWindowsAuthenticationFailures WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of unsuccessful authentication requests per minute. There are several possible causes for authentication failure. For example, the user may have been authenticated successfully by Active Directory but Microsoft Dynamics CRM authentication failed to communicate with the Kerberos servers, or a token expired, or the user's credentials are incorrect. This counter measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration.
DynamicsCrmWorkerProcessesCrashed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of Sandbox Worker processes that have crashed.
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter
WebBytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been received by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.
WebBytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been sent by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Requests are Queueing Up AspNetRequestsQueued > 10 Warning Raises an alert when the number of queued requests exceeds 10, for 5 minutes sustained. Queued requests indicate that IIS or backened processes are not able to process the requests quickly enough
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
AspNetApplicationRestarts WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times that an application has been restarted during the Web server's lifetime. Application restarts are incremented each time an Application_OnEnd event is raised. An application restart can occur because of changes to the Web.config file, changes to assemblies stored in the application's Bin directory, or when an application must be recompiled due to numerous changes in ASP.NET Web pages. Unexpected increases in this counter can mean that problems are causing Web application to recycle.
AspNetErrors WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average number of errors that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes any parser, compilation, or run-time errors.
AspNetRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests executed per second. This represents the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (such as garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so on).
AspNetRequestsQueued WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests waiting for service from the queue. When this number starts to increment linearly with increased client load, the Web server computer has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process.
AspNetRequestsRejected WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of requests not executed because of insufficient server resources to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, indicating that the server is too busy
AspNetRequestWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing.
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
CurrentConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active connections with the Web Service. Like with the other web service counters, if the value of this counter is usually too big for the server (the actual number depends on the specific hardware and software installed), then load balancing solutions can be implemented.
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
DynamicsNavActiveSession WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active sessions on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.
DynamicsNavAverageOperationTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average duration of server operations in milliseconds.
DynamicsNavOperations WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of operations that have started on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server per second.
DynamicsNavPrimaryKeyCacheRate WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of hits in the primary key cache, compared to the total requests to the primary key cache.
DynamicsNavResultCacheRate WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of hits in the result set cache, compared to the total requests to the result set cache.
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter
WebBytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been received by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.
WebBytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been sent by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Requests are Queueing Up AspNetRequestsQueued > 10 Warning Raises an alert when the number of queued requests exceeds 10, for 5 minutes sustained. Queued requests indicate that IIS or backened processes are not able to process the requests quickly enough
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
AspNetApplicationRestarts WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times that an application has been restarted during the Web server's lifetime. Application restarts are incremented each time an Application_OnEnd event is raised. An application restart can occur because of changes to the Web.config file, changes to assemblies stored in the application's Bin directory, or when an application must be recompiled due to numerous changes in ASP.NET Web pages. Unexpected increases in this counter can mean that problems are causing Web application to recycle.
AspNetErrors WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average number of errors that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes any parser, compilation, or run-time errors.
AspNetRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests executed per second. This represents the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (such as garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so on).
AspNetRequestsQueued WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests waiting for service from the queue. When this number starts to increment linearly with increased client load, the Web server computer has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process.
AspNetRequestsRejected WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of requests not executed because of insufficient server resources to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, indicating that the server is too busy
AspNetRequestWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing
BytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been received by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.
BytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been sent by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
CurrentConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active connections with the Web Service. Like with the other web service counters, if the value of this counter is usually too big for the server (the actual number depends on the specific hardware and software installed), then load balancing solutions can be implemented.
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Requests are Queueing Up AspNetRequestsQueued > 10 Warning Raises an alert when the number of queued requests exceeds 10, for 5 minutes sustained. Queued requests indicate that IIS or backened processes are not able to process the requests quickly enough
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskFreeSpaceTotal WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks total amount of free space across all drives. Used in the Low Disk Space alert
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
RdpConnectionsFailed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of failed connections since the service started.
RdpConnectionsPending WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of redirected connections pending completion from the Remote Desktop Session Host in the farm.
RdpConnectionsSuccessful WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of successful connections since the service started.
RdpConnectionsTotal WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of connections handled by the Connection Brokers since the service started.
RdpDatabaseExecutionTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average time (in milliseconds) taken to complete the stored procedures execution. Averaged at 5 second intervals.
RdpDatabaseWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average wait time (in milliseconds) for pending requests to be dispatched to the connection broker database. Averaged at 5 second intervals.
RdpRedirectorAcquisitionWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average wait time (in milliseconds) for each thread to acquire RPC connection at the Redirector. Averaged at 5 second intervals.
RdpRedirectorConnectionTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average time (in milliseconds) for the Connection Broker to complete an incoming RDP connection. Averaged at 5 second intervals.
RdpRedirectorThreadsWaiting WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of threads waiting to acquire RPC connection at the Redirector.
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server is reported as Down by Azure and if no metrics come through from diagnostic agents, for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
NetworkTotalBytes WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters.
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
RdpCurrentConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of current RD connections.
RdpFailedConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of failed RD connections.
RdpSucessfullConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of sucessfull RD connections.
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
NetworkTotalBytes WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters.
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
RdpActiveSessions WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active RD sessions.
RdpInactiveSessions WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of inactive RD sessions.
RdpTotalSessions WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active and inactive RD sessions.
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter
TerminalsPrivilegedTime WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks the % Privileged Time metric for all RD sessions.
TerminalsProcessorTime WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks the % Pprocessor Time metric for all RD sessions.

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
AspNetApplicationRestarts WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times that an application has been restarted during the Web server's lifetime. Application restarts are incremented each time an Application_OnEnd event is raised. An application restart can occur because of changes to the Web.config file, changes to assemblies stored in the application's Bin directory, or when an application must be recompiled due to numerous changes in ASP.NET Web pages. Unexpected increases in this counter can mean that problems are causing Web application to recycle.
AspNetErrors WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average number of errors that occurred per second during the execution of HTTP requests. Includes any parser, compilation, or run-time errors.
AspNetRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests executed per second. This represents the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (such as garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so on).
AspNetRequestsQueued WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests waiting for service from the queue. When this number starts to increment linearly with increased client load, the Web server computer has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process.
AspNetRequestsRejected WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of requests not executed because of insufficient server resources to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, indicating that the server is too busy
AspNetRequestWaitTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing.
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
CurrentConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of active connections with the Web Service. Like with the other web service counters, if the value of this counter is usually too big for the server (the actual number depends on the specific hardware and software installed), then load balancing solutions can be implemented.
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
SharePointExecutingSqlQueries WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of current executing SQL queries.
SharePointExecutingTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the average executing time (in milliseconds) for responded requests in last seconds.
SharePointIncommingRequestRate WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of incoming requests in last second.
SharePointRejectRequestRate WindowsPerformanceCounter
SharePointRespondedRequestsRate WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests responded in last second.
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter
WebBytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been received by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.
WebBytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks a rate, in seconds, at which data bytes have been sent by the WWW service. Helpful to track to identify potential spikes in traffic.

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Requests are Queueing Up AspNetRequestsQueued > 10 Warning Raises an alert when the number of queued requests exceeds 10, for 5 minutes sustained. Queued requests indicate that IIS or backened processes are not able to process the requests quickly enough
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine.
SqlBatchRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Measures the number of batches SQL Server is receiving per second. This counter is a good indicator of how much activity is being processed by your SQL Server box. The higher the number, the more queries are being executed on your box
SqlBlockedProcesses WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of blocked processes. When one process is blocking another process, the blocked process cannot move forward with its execution plan until the resource that is causing it to wait is freed up. Ideally there should not be any blocked processes
SqlBufferHitRatio WindowsPerformanceCounter The buffer cache hit ratio counter represents how often SQL Server is able to find data pages in its buffer cache when a query needs a data page. The higher this number the better, because it means SQL Server was able to get data for queries out of memory instead of reading from disk. You want this number to be as close to 100 as possible. Having this counter at 100 means that 100% of the time SQL Server has found the needed data pages in memory. A low buffer cache hit ratio could indicate a memory problem
SqlCompilations WindowsPerformanceCounter Measure the number of times SQL Server compiles an execution plan, per second. Compiling an execution plan is a resource-intensive operation. Compilations/Sec should be compared with the number of Batch Requests/Sec to get an indication of whether or not complications might be hurting performance. It is best when Compilations/sec are no more than 10% of overall Batch Requests/sec
SqlLockWaits WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times per second that SQL Server is not able to retain a lock right away for a resource. Ideally requests should not be waiting a lock.
SqlPageLifeExpectancy WindowsPerformanceCounter The page life expectancy counter measures how long pages stay in the buffer cache in seconds. The longer a page stays in memory, the more likely SQL Server will not need to read from disk to resolve a query. Generally, times below 300 (or 5 minutes) might mean that additional memory is needed.
SqlPageSplits WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of times SQL Server had to split a page when updating or inserting data per second. Page splits are expensive, and cause table to perform more poorly due to fragmentation. The fewer page splits there are, the better system will perform. Ideally this counter should be less than 20% of the batch requests per second.
SqlRecompilations WindowsPerformanceCounter Measures the number of time a re-compile event was triggered per second. Re-compiles, like compiles, are expensive operations. Re-compiles happen when query's execution plan was invalidated due to some significant event,. It is optimal when re-compilations are no more than 10% of overall compilations/sec
SqlUserConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of different users that are connected to SQL Server.
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
Blocked Processes Detected SqlBlockedProcesses > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any blocked processes have been detected and are present for at least 5 minutes sustained
High Compilations (SqlCompilations/SqlBatchRequests) > 0.1 || (SqlRecompilations/SqlCompilations) > 0.1 Warning Raises an alert when the total number of compilations per second is over 10% of overall batch requests, or when the total number of re-compilations is greater than 10% of overall compilations, sustained for 5 minutes
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
High Page Splits (SqlPageSplits/SqlBatchRequests) > 0.2 Warning Raises an alerts when page splits exceed 20% of overall batch requests for 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Lock Waits Detected SqlLockWaits > 0 Warning Raises an alert when lock waits are detected and are sustained for 5 minutes
Low Buffer Hit Ratio SqlBufferHitRatio < 90 Warning Raises an alert when Buffer Cache Hit Ratio is under 90 sustained for 5 minutes. When better performance is needed, the minimal acceptable value is 95. Generally lower value indicates a memory problem
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Low Page Life Expectancy SqlPageLifeExpectancy < 300 Warning Raises an alert when page life expectancy drops below 5 minutes (300 seconds) sustained for 5 minutes.
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server has not been sending metrics thru its agent for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.01 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.01 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 10 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ApplicationEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (Application source)
CpuTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks overall CPU utilization on the monitored server
DiskFreeSpace WindowsPerformanceCounterMultiInstance Tracks free space in Megabytes on each disk
DiskFreeSpaceTotal WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks total amount of free space across all drives. Used in the Low Disk Space alert
DiskIdleTime WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the percentage of time when disk. Sustained numbers below 20% indicate an over-saturated disk.
DiskReadSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to read data from the disk
DiskWriteSpeed WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks average time, in seconds, it takes to write data to the disk
MemoryCommittedPct WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the amount of virtual memory in use. It is the ratio of Commited Bytes to the Commit Limit
MemoryFree WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks free memory (in MBs) on the monitored server
ProcessList WindowsProcessList Tracks list of Windows processes running on the virtual machine
ReportServerActiveConnections WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of connections currently active on the server.
ReportServerBytesReceived WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of bytes received per second by the server. This counter is updated only when a transfer is completed. This means that the counter remains at 0 and then the value increases after a transfer is complete.
ReportServerBytesSent WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of bytes sent per second from the server. This counter is updated only when a transfer is completed. This means that the counter remains at 0 and then the value increases after a transfer is complete.
ReportServerErrors WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the total number of errors that occur per second during the processing of HTTP requests. These errors include HTTP status codes in the 400s and 500s.
ReportServerLogonAttempts WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the rate of logon attempts.
ReportServerLogonSuccesses WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the rate of successful logons.
ReportServerMemoryShrinkAmount WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of bytes that the server requested to shrink the memory in use.
ReportServerMemoryShrinkNotifications WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of notifications that the server issued in the last second to shrink the memory in use. This value indicates how often the server experiences memory pressure.
ReportServerRequests WindowsPerformanceCounter Tracks the number of requests that are processed per second. This value represents the current throughput of the application.
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown
SystemEventLogs WindowsEventLogEntry Tracks entries from the Windows Event Log (System source)
SystemUptime WindowsPerformanceCounter

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
High CPU CpuTime > 70 Warning Raises an alert when CPU utilization is over 70% for the last 5 minutes sustained
Instance Was Rebooted SystemUptime < 600 Warning
Low Disk Space Any(DiskFreeSpace, "Value < 1024 && Contains(Instance,\":\")") && DiskFreeSpaceTotal > 0 Warning Raises an alert when any of the disks has less than 1GB of free space left
Low Memory MemoryFree < 100 Warning Raises an alert if the amount of available physical memory falls below 100MBs for the last 2 monitoring cycles sustained
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Raises an alert when monitored server is reported as Down by Azure and if no metrics come through from diagnostic agents, for a sustained period of time
Slow Disk DiskReadSpeed > 0.025 || DiskWriteSpeed > 0.025 || DiskIdleTime < 20 Warning Disabled by default. Raises an alert if the average disk read or write speeds exceed 25 milliseconds or if the disk is idle for less than 20% of the time sustained for 5 minutes. For mission critical servers, disk speed metrics should not be exceeding 10 milliseconds.