
Available Metrics

Possible metric types that can be tracked on a given resource.

Metric Type Data Type Description
Allows for aggregating existing metrics over a period of time. Useful for running sums or averages; also for extracting single data item from collection-based metrics
Allows for deriving new metrics from existing ones. Useful for combining existing metrics together or for multiplying metrics by a factor
Allows for tracking of metrics from other resources. Useful when it is important to evaluate metrics from different resources side-by-side
Tracks overall status of the resource. This is an important metric as it is used to drive Uptime reports. Possible values: Ready, Down, Unknown and in some cases Stopped
Measures time to connect to resource
Tracks HTTP response code (as an integer value). Examples: OK = 200, Exception: 500, Unauthorized: 403, etc.
Tracks actual the text of actual response from the monitored URL. Useful for inspection of resulting HTML/XML/JSON. This is potentially a large-size metric - use sparingly
Tracks number of days before SSL certificate of the monitored URL expires

Available Commands

Possible commands that can be executed on a given resource. Ultimate subscription is required.

Command Type Description
WebRequest Runs custom WebRequest to specified URL
WebRequestJson Runs JSON WebRequest to specified URL (ContType is JSON)
WebRequestXml Runs XML WebRequest to specified URL (ContType is XML)

Default Templates

CloudMonix provided default monitoring templates.

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ResponseCode UrlResponseCode Tracks HTTP response code
ResponseTime ResponseTime Response time in milliseconds
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Fires an alert if connection cannot be established within 3 minutes sustained
Slow Response ResponseTime > 15000 Warning Raises an alert if response time from the website is over 15 seconds, sustained for 5+ minutes

Pre-configured Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Description
ResponseCode UrlResponseCode Tracks HTTP response code
ResponseTime ResponseTime Response time in milliseconds
SSLExpiration UrlSslExpirationInDays Tracks number of days before the SSL certificate of the monitored website expires
Status ResourceStatus Tracks the overall readiness status of the monitored resource. Possible values are: Ready, Down, Stopped and Unknown

Pre-configured Alerts

Alert Name Expression Severity Description
Resource Outage Status == "Down" Error Fires an alert if overall resource status is "Down" for sustained period of time
Slow Response ResponseTime > 15000 Warning Raises an alert if response time from the website is over 15 seconds, sustained for 2 minutes
SSL Certificate Expires Soon SSLExpiration < 30 Warning Fires an alert if SSL certificate of the monitored website expires in less than 30 days
SSL Certificate Expires VERY Soon SSLExpiration < 5 Error Fires an alert if SSL certificate of the monitored website expires in less than 5 days